Theresa Kachindamoto is a senior chief in the Dedza district of central Malawi. She has become famous for fighting against child marriage in her jurisdiction. In 2015 alone, she dissolved 330 customary marriages – setting free 175 girls and 155 boys. Over the past three years, she has terminated a total of 850 underage marriages. She is also helping send the children back to school so that they can have a normal and healthy childhood. An unexpected nomination

Since she is a woman, mother, and the youngest of 12 siblings, Kachindamoto never expected to become chief. She had been working as a secretary in a city college in Zomba for 27 years when the chiefs called her. They informed her that she was now a senior chief to the more than 900,000 people. The chiefs chose Kachindamoto because of her great people skills.
Shocking numbers When Kachindamoto arrived in the Dedza district, she was shocked at the how many child marriages she saw. Malawi’s laws made marriage under 18 illegal but many villages follow traditions over law. Kachindamoto was even more surprised when she discovered that about 75% of the child marriages were done with the consent of chiefs and parents. She suspended the chiefs that had approved the child marriages until they agreed to annul them in their villages.

 “I don’t want youthful marriages,” she said. “They must go to school… no child should be found loitering at home or doing household chores during school time.” “It is often referred to as ‘early and forced’ marriage because the girls, given their young age, can rarely make a free and informed decision about their marriage partner, the timing or the implications of this binding commitment,” the report states.

 “An element of coercion may be involved because their families may pressure or force the girls into marriage. Strong social and cultural norms also drive the practice despite legislation in place.” 

 The report called for urgent action to be taken against child marriage. “If present trends continue, 631,000 of the young girls born between 2005–2010 will be married/in union before age 18 by 2030,” it warned. 
Facing backlash from the community Kachindamoto ordered all child marriages to be annulled. “I told them: 

‘Whether you like it or not, I want these marriages to be terminated,’” she said. She faced resistance from parents and chiefs who told her that she had no right to overturn tradition. She even received some death threats, but she did not yield. “First of all it was difficult, but now people are understanding.” 

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 After she terminated the marriages, she either paid from her own funds or found sponsors to send the children back to school. She has a secret network of parents throughout the villages that report to her so that she can make sure the girls are staying in school. “I talk to the parents. I tell them: if you educate your girls you will have everything in the future.”
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Meet The Malawi Chief Who Broke Up Hundreds Of Child Marriages And Took The Kids Back To School

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☆☆☆Touching story!!☆☆☆ My name is Mary I am 19years old. I come from a very poor family. We could hardly eat two time daily but everything was under the control of God. When I was little, my mom do call me a prophetess, I always laugh whenever she calls me that. One day, something entered me to ask her why she always call me a prophetess, she said that when she was looking for a fruit of her womb the pastor who prayed for her told her that she will conceive and give birth to a girl and that girl shall deliver and heal people in the world.

In fact she will over see visions. When I heard this,i never believed it, I ran off from her presence because it sounded so real. After six years, my dad do call me all kinds of bad names, he will sometimes regret having me as a child. He made me cry always. One day when I was sitting in my room,i heard a voice saying, why are you delaying my peoples blessing? I turned back to check what just happened and I could not see anyone. It repeated three times till I fell on the floor Crying and weeping, then the voice said, call upon me I will answer, whatever you ask me I will grant.

After couple of hours, I stared speaking in tongue, my body was covered with the spirit. I started praying and giving out prophecies.. My mom came in and she was healed from her fibroids. My dad got a call from work. I then quickly grabbed my phone and prophecy to the person reading this, you shall not end up as a failure. What stops others shall keep you moving.

I see you buying a new land, conceiving a baby, universities giving you an admission. Oh my God, you have promised me, whatever I ask it shall be granted. The person reading this shall go to the next level, nothing can stop him or her. Their heart desire has been answered already in Jesus name......? Type Amen and share this post to reach your friends. May God bless you.
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☆☆☆Touching story!!☆☆☆

Beautiful artist Suki Waterhouse has blond hair beautiful. But who would have thought the secret behind her beautiful hair turned out because he mengkeramas hair with soft drinks, coca cola. According to the British model of 23 years who just broke up with actor Bradley Cooper, the soda makes perfect and textured hair more volume.
"Sometimes I wash my hair with Coca-Cola. I do not like it if my hair washed shampoo - hair so straight and limp. But with Coca-Cola, it makes it look wrinkled and volume. As if I run out through the Amazon jungle or the other," said the actress gorgeous supermodel who used to be this during an interview with US Weekly.

Sticky soda instead of shampoo does sound strange. But in fact, Suki is not the only celebrity who menjalamkan hair beauty ritual with the basic ingredients of a drink.

In 2009, actress Catherine Zeta Jones has revealed he wears a mixture of beer and honey to moisturize the hair. "My hair like you've entered in a beer keg contents all day but actually it was very good for the hair," he said.

With Coca-Cola's method, the hair of Burberry's star indeed appear beautiful with a natural wavy texture. Including appearances on the red carpet when the latest movie, Insurgent in New York. The film, he starred with Shailene Woodley, Theo James and Kate Winslet.
Shampooing wear soft drinks is also practiced by a blogger named Ellko in a video. In it he that demonstrate how to use the shampoo Suki fizzy drinks. Long dark hair and straight after washed with two large bottles of soft drinks results.

As a result, less fluffy straight hair problem is resolved. Ellko hair after being washed and dried looks fluffy and bumpy. Ellko as quoted from page Popsugar provides tips to avoid wearing a white T-shirt during shampooing. Therefore, fizzy drinks when exposed to a white shirt will menimggalkan stains are difficult to remove.

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This Woman Washing Hair With Coca Cola, See Results Extremely Shocking